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What Colors Go With Pink?

It’s difficult enough trying to choose the right colors for your nursery, and when you’re choosing what colors go with pink, it can be even more confusing. This article will help make things easier for you. If you’re not sure which colors will work for your little girl, this can be helpful. First we’ll talk about what colors go with pink and then we can go over the color combinations that work with different colors.

Pink and purple: These look great together, and that’s why they are so often selected for nursery themes. There are times, however, when these two don’t mix very well. Purple is often associated with sadness, so if your baby girl isn’t depressed, then using purple can have the opposite effect. It can also make her mood worse if she’s happy. Pink on the other hand is typically associated with innocence, so if you’re expecting a bundle of joy then pink may not be the color you’re looking for.

Red and yellow: These colors mix very easily together because they are both very soft. They are also very energetic, which many parents like. Most of the time, parents just look for the color that will complement their little girl most. However, there are some instances when red and yellow are used in very contrasting ways. If your expecting a bundle of energy, then red is probably the color you’re looking for.

Warm purple and cool purple: These colors are usually paired together because they are very complementary. They work best when the shades are the same tone, but you do want to be careful. Cool purple works well with warm colors because of its brightness. Pairing warm purple with cool purple can create a warm palette, but pairing them can cause a palette full of blues, greens, purples, and violets.

Orange and yellow: These colors mix well together because of their energetic quality. Both are very visible under direct sunlight because of their powerful colors. They also have a unique zest that you don’t get from any other shade. You’ll find that when it comes to what colors go with pink, orange and yellow have the most variety of choices. They can be mixed well with each other and they don’t clash as much as some of the other hues.

Green and brown: These two colors work well together because they share a lot of similarities, but they also have a subtle difference. When you pair green with brown you get a warm tone that is relaxing and inviting. This shade is perfect for those who want a casual home environment.

However, this can be an overpowering color if the room is already warm. If this is the case, then you might want to consider going with a different hue like a pink or red.