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What Causes Brown Spots In My Lawn?

Have you noticed some brown patches on your lawn? Don’t worry if you are facing such a problem. There are many reasons behind this and it is very easy to solve this.

Brown spots are common problem faced by many people, but if you want to get rid of it then you need to follow some effective steps.

Why these spots happen?

This is the most common question asked by the people. If you have an answer to this question then you will get the solution to your problem.

These spots are due to many factors, but it is mostly because of the excess of nutrients.

Nutrients are the essential ingredients for the grass to grow. Excess of nutrients will cause the brown spots.

These spots are mainly due to the excess of nitrogen and phosphorous.

Nutrient imbalance is the main reason behind the formation of brown spots.

What to do to get rid of these brown spots?

As I have already told you that these brown spots are caused by the excess of nutrients, so, what you need to do is to get rid of these spots? Here is the solution to this problem:

If you want to get rid of these brown spots then you need to get rid of the excess of nitrogen. If you want to avoid this problem, then you need to get rid of the excess of phosphorous and get back the balance.

How to do this?

There are many methods through which you can get rid of the excess of nutrients. You can use organic fertilizers, you can also use chemical fertilizers.

If you are looking for the organic fertilizer then you can use the manure of the cows or the chicken. These fertilizers will give you a good result, but it will be expensive.

If you want to use chemical fertilizers then you can use the organic fertilizers along with the chemical fertilizers.


I have given you the solution to this problem and I am sure you will follow the tips to get rid of the brown spots. I don’t think this is a very difficult task and you can easily get rid of this problem.