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Stripping Paint From Furniture

The art of painting is one of the oldest techniques and is practiced all around the globe. It’s not just a painting technique, but also a way to decorate and beautify our home.

There is something about the color of a painting that gives it a special look. Most of us are attracted towards a painting because of its appealing look.

Many of us are now into the trend of interior decoration and they are trying to make their home look new. In order to create a new look in your home, you need to strip the paint off your furniture.

So, here is a list of  steps that will help you to strip the paint from the furniture. Follow these steps carefully and you will get rid of paint from your furniture.

Start with a small area

If you are a beginner and you are afraid of wasting a lot of money, then you can start with a small area of the furniture. In this case, you will not spend a lot of time, effort, and money.

Use gloves and a cloth

Before you start with any DIY project, you need to cover yourself with gloves. You need to cover your entire hand with gloves to avoid getting any kind of harm to your hands.

After covering your hands, you will use a cloth and start with scrubbing the paint. It will be easier for you to clean the paint if you use a cloth.

Clean the furniture with alcohol

If you don’t want to waste your time and effort then you can try cleaning the furniture with alcohol. Alcohol will help you to clean the paint from the furniture and it is also a natural cleaner.

Don’t use a water hose

Using a water hose is not a good idea because the paint will get mixed with the water. You can use a sponge to clean the paint, but don’t use a water hose.

Use a brush

If you want to get the best results then you need to use a brush. Use a brush to get rid of the paint from the furniture. It will help you to scrub the paint and it will remove the paint easily.

Mix two different chemicals

If you are still facing the problem of removing the paint from your furniture then you can use a mixture of two different chemicals. A chemical will help you to dissolve the paint and another chemical will clean the paint.

Use a scraper

Another method to remove the paint is using a scraper. Using a scraper will help you to scrape the paint off the surface of the furniture.

Use a sprayer

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time and effort then you can use a sprayer. Spray the paint and then let the paint dry.

Apply heat to the paint

If you want to make the paint peel off easily then you can apply heat to the paint. You can use a blow dryer to make the paint come off.


It is a very difficult task to get rid of the paint from your furniture, but with the above mentioned methods you can get rid of the paint easily. These methods are simple and easy to follow. If you follow these tips then you will get rid of the paint from the furniture.