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How To Wash Your Dishwasher Safely

Dishwashers are amazing appliances that can clean your kitchen and make your life easy. But before you start using it, you need to know how to wash your dishwasher. If you don’t know how to wash it properly then you might damage your appliance.

I have seen a lot of people who don’t know how to wash their dishwasher and as a result they damage their machine.

So, today I am sharing some basic tips to use a dishwasher safely and effectively.

Wash your dishes thoroughly

Before you start using the dishwasher, wash your dishes completely. Don’t forget to clean the racks and racks as well.

Remove any food particles

If you have used a lot of plastic or wooden utensils then you need to remove the food particles from the utensils before you wash it.

Put a little bit of vinegar

It will prevent the soap from damaging the inner parts of the machine.

Use a warm water

Washing the machine with cold water can damage the inner parts of the machine. So, it is better to use warm water.

Don’t put a lot of dirty clothes

You need to separate the clothes and put them in the washer and dryer. Don’t put too many dirty clothes in the machine at a time.

Keep the water level low

If the water level is low then you will need to use a large amount of detergent.

Use soap in a non-detergent environment

Never use soap in a detergent environment.

Avoid a cold water

If you are using cold water, then it can harm the inner parts of the machine. So, you need to use hot water.

Clean the filter

The filter is the most important part of the machine. If you don’t clean the filter then you will face a lot of issues.


These are the simple and effective ways to wash your dishwasher. If you follow these tips, then you will not have to worry about the damage of the machine. If you have any other questions, then comment below and we will try to answer it for you.