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How To Kill Grass With Weed Killer

Many of you might have heard that weed killer is the best option to kill weeds in the lawn, but you need to use the right kind of weed killer. You might have seen those weed killers that have a color and you just need to pour them to the weeds to kill it. But the best way is to use the right weed killer for killing weeds and grass in the lawn.

Weed killer application timing:

Weed killer application timing is the most important thing that you should follow. The weed killer should be applied before the grass and weeds starts to grow, and if you apply it after that then it will only damage the lawn and the weed will grow again.

The best time to apply weed killer is on the early morning as the weed will die overnight. You need to sprinkle weed killer at least 2 inches deep and it should be applied on the soil, but not on the leaves. It is a good idea to use weed killer before the grass starts to grow because the roots of the grass will be damaged and it will take more time to recover.

Types of weed killers:

There are two types of weed killers that you need to apply to kill the weeds in your lawn.

1. Dicamba Weed Killer

It is a fast-acting herbicide that can kill weeds and grass in just a few days. It is usually sold as a concentrated liquid, and you need to dilute it to the right concentration.

2. 2,4-D Weed Killer

This type of weed killer is the safest and most effective one for killing weeds in the lawn. It is also known as a dicamba herbicide because it was developed to combine dicamba and glyphosate.

Both the weed killers are available in different concentrations, and you can check the instructions for diluting the weed killer. The most important thing is that you need to read the instructions properly and follow them carefully.


If you have weeds and grass in your lawn, then it is necessary to kill them by using weed killer. You can choose any of these weed killers but make sure that you use the right one for your lawn.