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How To Clean Your Mirror Without Streaks

Cleaning the mirror is one of the most difficult task for girls because they usually do it only once in a month or once in a year. But this should not be a problem, as you will learn some simple and effective methods to clean your mirrors without streaks.

There is no need to go to the market for buying cleaning products, because you can use some of the common household items to clean the mirror.

Let’s see the best tips to clean your mirrors.

Clean it regularly

To keep your mirrors clean, you need to clean them regularly. If you don’t do this then you will end up with a very dirty and unattractive mirror.

Use water

Water is the best thing to clean your mirrors. You will need warm water, but don’t use too much of it. You can use a wet cloth to clean your mirrors and rub it in circular motion. The water will start to clean your mirrors and it will not leave any streak on the mirror.

Wash your hands

If you want to get rid of the dust, then you will need to wash your hands. You can clean your mirrors with a damp cloth.

Use toothpaste

You can also use toothpaste for cleaning the mirror. All you will need is a toothbrush and toothpaste. You will need to clean the mirror by rubbing it with the toothbrush and then wash it with a wet cloth.


These were the best tips to clean your mirrors. You will need to clean your mirrors regularly and if you are lazy to do this then you can use some effective tips to clean your mirrors.