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How To Clean Rubber Flooring – Home & Office

It’s no secret that most of us spend a large amount of time in the home and office. There are many things that can damage our floors. These floors can be wooden, tile, stone, laminate, and carpet. Of course, the best solution is to use a hardwood floor, but what about those who don’t have the money for that?

The easiest way to clean a rubber floor is to use water and a vacuum cleaner. The main idea is to use a mop with some water. As a matter of fact, a mop is the best tool for cleaning the rubber floor.

There are two different types of rubber flooring. One is the rubber flooring that is used indoors and another one is the rubber flooring that is used outdoors. The indoor rubber flooring is not that much different than the outdoor one. They are the same as far as the cleaning is concerned.

What is the difference between the rubber floor and vinyl floor?

Vinyl flooring is basically the combination of rubber flooring and vinyl. They are not the same as they seem to be. Vinyl is a hard and durable material, whereas rubber is soft and flexible. In fact, vinyl is used for flooring because of its durability.

Vinyl flooring is used indoors. Rubber flooring is used for the outdoor applications.

How to clean a rubber floor?

Rubber flooring is quite durable. You can walk on it for a long time. The only problem is that they can be slippery and dirty. So, the first thing you need to do is to make the floor smooth.

Use a wet mop for that purpose. Use a mop with some water and just wipe it on the floor.

When it comes to the cleaning, you need to use a vacuum cleaner. Use a dust mop for this purpose. The dust mop is specially designed to collect dust.


This is all about how to clean rubber flooring. I hope you have understood the basics of cleaning a rubber floor. As you can see, these are some of the most important tips and once you follow them, your home will be free from harmful germs and dust.