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How To Clean Mirrors Without Windex?

Are you looking for an effective and simple way to clean your bathroom mirrors without windex? Don’t worry, here is a simple and effective way to clean your bathroom mirror without using any chemicals.

Mirror Cleaning Hacks:

1. Use vinegar and water

Vinegar is the best and most effective method to clean your bathroom mirror. Vinegar is an excellent cleaner and it will remove all the dirt and grime from your bathroom mirror.

To clean your mirror, take two cups of vinegar and fill them in a bowl and then place it in the sink. Wash the mirror with hot water and then use a wet cloth to clean it. After cleaning the mirror, wipe it with a dry cloth.

2. Use baking soda

Baking soda is a very effective way to clean your bathroom mirror. You can use it as a regular cleaner to clean your bathroom mirror.

Mix one cup of baking soda and one cup of water and pour it on your mirror. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wipe it with a dry cloth.

3. Use soap

You can also clean your bathroom mirror with soap. Take one cup of soap and add one cup of water. Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and rub the soap on the mirror. Rinse it with warm water.

4. Use salt

Salt is one of the most effective and simplest way to clean your bathroom mirror. Salt is a natural cleaner and it will remove all the dirt and grime from your bathroom mirror.

Take a glass of water and put a pinch of salt in it. Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and wipe it on the mirror.


These were some of the best ways to clean your bathroom mirrors without windex. All these methods are simple and easy to use. So, try these methods to clean your bathroom mirrors without windex.