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How To Arrange 3 Photo Frames On Wall

Nowadays the trend is to decorate the walls with various frames. But when it comes to arranging the frames on the wall, people are confused because it is not a very simple task. In this article, I will show you the easy ways to arrange 3 photo frames on the wall.

First, you need to buy three photo frames, then put them on the wall and then you can start arranging them. You need to make sure that the frames are not too big or else you will have to do a lot of painting.

Choose a wall color

The first thing that you need to decide is to choose the color of the wall. If you don’t have a clear idea about the wall color, then you can use the color wheel and then choose the color that you like.

Measure the wall

Next step is to measure the wall. You need to make sure that the frames are not too large and you don’t want to waste any space. You can use the tape to mark the wall and then measure it.

Arrange the frames

After measuring the wall, you need to arrange the frames. You can hang the frames in a diagonal or horizontal way. The first frame will be placed at the top of the wall and the next one will be at the bottom of the wall. And the last frame will be placed in the middle of the wall.


These were the steps to arrange 3 photo frames on wall. These are the easy steps that will make the task easier and simpler. If you want to know more about these easy steps, then you can visit our website. We will also provide you with some tips for arranging the frames.