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How Thick Is Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is one of the most popular flooring types in the market because of its durability and strength. But how thick is laminate flooring?

It depends upon the manufacturer and the thickness of the laminate flooring can vary from 6mm to 12mm. The best way to know how thick is laminate flooring is by measuring the thickness of the flooring. In case you are planning to buy a new laminate flooring, then it is advisable to buy a floor that is between 6mm and 8mm.

There are some rules of thumb while buying laminate flooring.

The most important thing is that the thickness of the laminate flooring should be between 6mm and 8mm.

The other thing that you must consider while buying laminate flooring is that it should have a minimum of 6 layers.

If you are buying laminate flooring from the local store then you should take the advice of the salesperson.


As I have already said that there are many factors to consider before buying laminate flooring. I hope that you will get the information about the laminate flooring that you have been looking for. Now, I will share with you the other amazing tips for a beautiful and elegant living.