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How Thick Are Interior Walls?

You might be thinking that how thick are interior walls and how they are made. Well, this is a simple question that will give you a very interesting answer. I am sure you will have a different opinion on this question because it is not something that you can measure in your home. So, let’s get started.

Thickness of interior walls

The thickness of interior walls is a very important factor to consider because it will have an effect on the entire design of the house. So, let’s discuss about the thickness of interior walls.

The thickness of interior walls is not something that you can measure easily, but you can measure the thickness of the wall that is supported by the column. You will need to measure the thickness of the column that supports the wall. You can use a level or a tape measure and measure the distance between the floor and the column.

How thick is the wall?

If you have a wooden or metal column then you can easily measure the thickness of the wall by using a tape or a level. You will need to measure the distance between the column and the floor.

If the distance is less than 6 inches then it is called a thin wall and if it is more than 6 inches then it is called a thick wall.

You can check the thickness of your walls by measuring the distance between the column and the floor.


So, this was the post on How Thick Are Interior Walls? Hope you liked this post. I will share more such interesting topics in the coming posts.