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How Mirrors Are Made?

Mirrors are essential things that can be used for various purposes. If you have a mirror in your room, you can easily identify your own body part, but if you don’t have a mirror at home, then it will be really hard for you to see your own body part.

It is not necessary that a mirror should be big or expensive. There are various ways that will help you to make a small and compact mirror.

Mirror frame

The first step to making a mirror is to find a suitable mirror frame. If you don’t want to spend money on a new frame, then you can use the old frames that you already have. It will save your money and you will get a good result.


For the next step, you will need some plastic sheets, but this is the only plastic that you will use for the whole process.

Cutting the plastic

Now it’s time to cut the plastic sheet in the shape of a mirror. The size of the mirror depends on the space you have in your room, so you should measure the space and make sure that the mirror fits in the space.

Mirror back

To complete the mirror you need to add a mirror back, but this is the only thing that you will need for the whole process. If you are not happy with the mirror back that you have, then you can use any of the existing backs.

Filling up the gap

You need to fill up the gaps that you have left. This will make the mirror look beautiful and you will get a reflection of your body.

Making a handle

If you want to use the mirror for a long time, then you should make a handle to hang it. You can make a handle using the plastic or you can use any other material that you want.


I hope you liked this post, if you are interested in making a mirror for yourself, then you can follow the above steps and make your own mirror.