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How Do They Make Mirrors

The question is that how do they make mirrors? What is the secret behind making mirrors? I am sure you have heard about the mirrors, but don’t know how they are made.

To understand this question, you need to know that how the mirror is made. There are various ways to make the mirrors but the most common way is to use aluminum. Here is a brief about how they make the mirrors.

Mirrors are made by cutting the aluminum sheets into pieces and then heating the aluminum pieces. As soon as they get heated, they become soft.

After the mirror is formed, they need to be polished. So, the mirror is polished using the diamond polishing machine.

Finally, the mirror is cooled.


I hope you liked the article. I am sure that you know now the secret behind making mirrors. You may know that we use mirrors for beautification, but this article will help you to know the real purpose of using the mirrors.