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Dorm Room Ideas For Guys – Where to Find Them

Dorm rooms are meant for those who live with their friends as well as for those who are away at college. Dorm rooms are cozy little rooms where you study, sleep, relax and also dream. dorm room ideas for guys should be essential, since they help you to live a different social setting and at whatever manner you prefer. The thought of having a dorm room for one’s studies is exciting but also intimidating. There are a few dorm room ideas for guys that are fun to live with.

Lighting: One of the dorm rooms ideas for guys should have a desk lamp or ceiling light. A well-lit room would mean that the place is well-lighted and this is important especially if the guy has to study late into the night. The lighting is also essential so that there is no problem sleeping at night. The ceiling light can also create an illusion of a larger space inside the dorm rooms.

Storage Space: dorm rooms are usually small so the guy has to create ample space to move around and store his stuff properly. There are some dorm room ideas for guys that include good storage space so that the stuff is organized. This can also create a convenient place for the guys to store their personal belongings. A good way to create ample storage space is to create a “tummy cabinet” where all the stuff of the guy is neatly stacked up so that it is easy to find what he is looking for. Some storage spaces are provided under the desks so that the guy can keep all his books and other materials stored neatly.

Kitchen: Kitchens are usually fitted with a stove and refrigerator. Thus, it is necessary to create a kitchen that is both functional and minimalist to maximize the available space. Most modern dorm room ideas for guys have kitchens that are very minimal in design because it facilitates better food preparation. Minimal kitchen appliances such as a washing machine and sink are highly recommended. More importantly, the microwave oven, the refrigerator and the sink should be integrated into the design of the kitchen so that the maximum space is utilized.

Bedroom: dorm rooms usually have two types of beds namely the twin size bed and the full size bed. However, many students prefer to stay away from these two kinds of beds and select from among the many dorm room ideas for guys that include dorm room ideas for guys with co-ed beds. One great way to create a co-ed bedroom is to use an air mattress set up. It has come a long way since its invention in the 1960s, where a group of students would sleep on it together. Nowadays, an air mattress set up is considered to be a great way to create a comfortable bedroom for the guy.

Refrigerator: dorm rooms also have to have a refrigerator just like any other home. However, one thing that is particularly noted about dorm rooms is that they tend to lack in space. Therefore, it is best to purchase an electric cooker which comes in easy to use designs and is reasonably priced. The electric cooker eliminates the need for bulky fridges that take up a lot of room.

Furthermore, most electric cookers come with features that allow it to maintain cooking temperature at different levels, which is useful for dorm room ideas for guys that need to keep food hot.