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Cat Pee on Furniture, What is it for?

Cats are the best pets for every house as they can provide you a lot of happiness. They are friendly, loving and caring creatures. They are cute and fluffy but they are not as cute as dogs. Some people say that cats are smarter than dogs. But there are also some facts about cats that we will talk about in this article.

Why do cats pee on furniture?

Most of the people say that cats only pee on their favorite places, but that is not true. A cat will urinate in any place where it feels comfortable and relaxes. Sometimes they may pee on a specific area which is their favorite and sometimes they will pee on the furniture.

Cats are not very fond of cleaning their urine because of its texture and smell. So, cats usually urinate on the floor or other places where they feel comfortable.

Some people say that they feel uncomfortable sitting on the couch when a cat is near, and that is true. But a cat has no control over this behavior. They are just a creature of nature and they don’t care about our comfort.

Cats will usually sit on the furniture or on the carpet to rest and sleep. They will not care if there is a rug or a cushion in front of them.

Some of the furniture that are common for cats are the chairs, sofas, coffee tables and the beds. They will even sit on the kitchen cabinets.

They don’t mind the water on the floors and they don’t mind the mess that is made in the rooms. So, they will often sit on the furniture and wait for you to clean the mess.


These are some of the reasons that cats will pee on the furniture. It is not something which you can control, and it is not harmful for the furniture or the cat. You can choose to clean the mess and get rid of the smell but you can’t force the cat to stop this behavior.We hope that you liked this article on why cats pee on furniture.