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What’s The Best Way To Kill Dandelions?

The best way to kill dandelions in your lawn is by utilizing chemical pesticides or herbicides. Two most common varieties of herbicides can quickly eliminate dandelions: non-selective and broadleaf. Non-selective means that the chemical will kill any and all forms of the plant, irrespective of whether they are a part of the natural food chain. […]

How To Report A Plant

Whether you have just added a new plant to your garden or you are simply interested in learning how to repot a plant, this short article will give you some useful information and tips. The process of reporting an herb or vegetables can be one of the most enjoyable activities that you can do in […]

Decorations For Your Super Bowl Party

Super Bowl party decorations can make or break the mood of this year’s party. It is definitely an occasion for friends and families to get together to watch the infamous battle between the Green Berets and the Steelers in the playoffs. The Super Bowl, more than most major sporting events, is a time for intense […]