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Top 5 DIY Ways To Remove Vinyl Stains

Vinyl flooring is the latest trend in the market. As vinyl is easy to install and affordable, it has become a popular choice. If you have vinyl flooring, then you must know that it is susceptible to staining. You can use many home remedies to get rid of stains, but the easiest way is to hire a professional vinyl cleaning company.

However, you don’t need to hire a company for cleaning. You can do the task at home as well. Here are the five DIY ways that you can use to remove stains from vinyl flooring.

1. Vinegar

One of the best home remedies to remove stains from vinyl flooring is vinegar. Vinegar is a good cleaner for the wood and vinyl floors. Apply vinegar on the stained area and rub gently. You can use a cloth to remove the excess of vinegar.

2. Soda

If you have a stubborn stain, then you can try soda. Pour a bottle of soda and rub the stain. The soda will make the stain disappear and if you want to make the stain permanent, then add a little bit of lemon juice.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda is also a good cleaner for vinyl floors. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain and then scrub with a soft sponge. Rinse with warm water and repeat this process.

4. Salt

Salt is another great remedy to remove stains from vinyl flooring. Mix equal parts of salt and water and pour on the stain. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then scrub it with a soft brush. You can also use a little bit of dish soap for better results.

5. Lemon Juice

Lemon is another wonderful solution to remove stains from vinyl flooring. Pour a lemon juice and water mixture and apply it to the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse with cold water. Repeat this process till the stain is removed.


If you are looking to clean vinyl flooring, then these DIY methods will help you. However, remember that these methods are not permanent. So, if you want a permanent solution, then you need to hire a professional vinyl cleaning company.