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How To Become An Interior Designer Without A Degree

Being an interior designer is one of the most lucrative and rewarding job out there. There are thousands of opportunities waiting for the people who are willing to get the job. If you are planning to become an interior designer and don’t have a degree, then you don’t need to worry. You can still become one if you have some basic knowledge and skills.

If you are wondering how to become an interior designer without a degree, then here are some of the most effective tips for you.

Knowledge is power

One of the most important tips that you can follow is to gain knowledge. If you are not aware of the latest trends and designs, then you won’t be able to catch up with the current market.

Learn as much as you can

When you are new to the industry, then you must learn the latest tricks and techniques. If you are not aware of the latest trends, then you will not be able to get the job.

Create a portfolio

This is one of the most effective tips that you can follow. Creating a portfolio will show the employers that you are professional and creative. So, create a portfolio and upload it on the websites of the companies that you want to work for.


Networking is one of the most important tips for you to follow. You must network with the professionals who are working in the same field. So, you can get the information regarding the latest trends and designs.

Create a website

A website is one of the most effective ways for you to showcase your skills. If you have a good looking website, then it will attract many potential clients.


In conclusion, these are the most effective tips that you can follow to become an interior designer without a degree. So, start learning and follow these tips to get the job.