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How To Put Down Linoleum Flooring

Linoleum flooring is one of the popular flooring material and can be applied in different designs. The most important thing about this material is that it is very durable and water resistant.

It is made up of linseed oil, ground limestone, pigments and wax. This is why linoleum is known as the ideal flooring material for kitchens, bathrooms, offices, bedrooms, dining rooms and living rooms.

Now, I would like to tell you how to put down linoleum flooring.

Steps to put down linoleum flooring

First of all, you need to prepare the ground. The ground should be clean and free from any debris. You can use a steam cleaner to clean the ground.

Mix cement and sand in a ratio of 1:1. Mix it well. Add water to it and mix again. Apply it to the ground and spread it evenly.

Mix a little bit of linseed oil with water and apply it on the ground.

Use a roller to smooth out the surface of the floor.

Put down the glue and then spread it evenly.

Apply a layer of the mixture. Cover the whole area of the floor and leave it overnight.

Next morning, use the scraper to remove the excess of the mixture.

You can also clean the floor using a wet vacuum cleaner.

To get the best finish, you can add a coat of clear polyurethane to the floor.

How to clean linoleum flooring

The most common way to clean linoleum is using a solution of soap and water. You can also use a vacuum cleaner.


This is the process of how to put down linoleum flooring. If you have any queries then don’t hesitate to comment below. I will be glad to help you.