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How To Hang Large Art On Staircase Wall

There are some people who want to decorate their home with a big piece of artwork, but they don’t know how to hang it on the wall.

The first thing that comes in your mind is that you need to buy a big frame and hang it on the wall, but it is not that simple, because you need to get the perfect spot to hang your artwork.

Hanging large art is not that easy, but if you follow some basic guidelines, then you can easily do it. Here are the simple steps to hang large art on the staircase wall:

Make a plan

First of all, you need to decide where you want to hang your artwork and where you will place the frame. You need to take into consideration the height of the artwork and the height of the frame, and the width of the artwork.

Choose the right spot

Once you know the dimensions of the artwork and the frame, you need to choose the right spot to hang the artwork. The space between the wall and the artwork is the main factor that decides whether the art will look good or not.

Use the right tools

The tools that you use to hang the artwork depend upon the type of art. You need to use the right tools for the type of artwork that you are planning to hang.

You need to make sure that the tools are sturdy and strong, because you will be hanging the heavy art.

Find the right spot

You need to make sure that the spot is completely free from any dust or any other things that may damage the art. You need to find a spot that is free from any clutter and has a clean and uncluttered surface.

Start the process

Once you have chosen the right spot to hang the art, you need to start the process of hanging the art. You need to make sure that the artwork is safe and secure. You need to make sure that the frame is tight and the screws are firmly attached.


These are the simple steps to hang large art on the staircase wall. If you follow these steps, then you will get a beautiful piece of art in your home.