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How To Fix Chipped Vinyl Plank Flooring

If you are thinking that what is the problem that vinyl flooring is getting chipped then here is a solution for that. We all know that when we install vinyl flooring in the house it looks great and durable but it is not immune to scratches and damages.

Some of you might have a problem that vinyl flooring has some flaws and it is getting damaged because of this problem. You might have tried all types of solutions to get rid of the problem but nothing is working. You can see that there are some flaws in the flooring.

I have a small suggestion for you.

Fixing vinyl plank flooring

If you are facing the same problem then you should know that you can get it fixed in a very easy way. I will share with you the method that will fix the flooring by yourself.

Take a hammer and a drill

You need to take a hammer and a drill to fix the flooring. Make sure that the tool is in a good condition and then start the drilling process.

Use a sanding sponge

Next step is to use a sanding sponge. Use a sanding sponge to make the surface smooth.

Use an oil

Oil will give the flooring a new life. After that you can use an oil to polish the floor. The oil will make the flooring shine and smooth.


I am sure that the above mentioned steps will solve your problem, but if you still have some doubts then you can contact the professional who will help you to fix it.