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How To Clean Mirrors?

Mirrors are one of the most used and important items in our home. But when we use them we can see ourselves in a negative way. Most of us don’t know how to clean our mirrors properly. And if we don’t clean the mirrors then it will reflect our ugly image in front of others.

Here I am going to share with you some useful tips that will help you to clean your mirrors without getting any scratches on your glass.

Clean the mirror with a wet cloth

If you don’t know how to clean mirrors then you can try this method. First, wash your mirror with water and once it is clean, dry it with a towel. Now, use a wet cloth to clean the mirror. Don’t rub the mirror in a rough way; it will make the surface of the glass scratched.

Use a dry cloth

If you are too lazy to clean your mirror with a wet cloth then you can use a dry one. You can use a dry cloth to clean the mirror. If you are using a wet cloth, then you need to avoid water splashing on the mirror.

Wipe the mirror with a cotton ball

Cotton is the best thing to clean the mirror. It is soft and will not scratch the surface of the glass. Just rub the mirror with a cotton ball and then wipe it with a damp cloth.

Use a toothbrush

If you have a toothbrush then you can use it to clean the mirror. Just rub the mirror with the bristles of the toothbrush and then wipe it with a damp cloth.

Use a sponge

If you are using a toothbrush to clean the mirror then you can also use a sponge. You can use a sponge to clean the mirror and it will also remove the fingerprints from the mirror.


These are the best tips for cleaning mirrors. So, use these tips and keep your glass clean. I hope that you will like these tips and will be able to clean your glass.