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5 Ways To Treat Lawn Fungus Naturally

Most of the people don’t know how to treat lawn fungus naturally and they are worried about the results. The most common symptoms of lawn fungus are slow growth, dark spots, discoloration, weak grass and leaf burn. All these symptoms are caused by the presence of this parasite in the soil.

The lawn fungus is found in the warm and moist environment where the temperature is around 50°F. The best way to get rid of lawn fungus is to use organic products.

Here are the effective ways to treat lawn fungus naturally and save your money as well.

1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is the best remedy for treating lawn fungus. It is the most effective treatment of this fungus. You just need to mix the tea tree oil with water and apply it to the affected area.

2. Garlic

Garlic is the most effective herb for treating lawn fungus. It will fight against this fungus and make your grass grow again. You need to crush the garlic and add it to water and then apply it to the affected area.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the best remedy for treating lawn fungus. You need to mix the apple cider vinegar with water and then apply it to the affected area.

4. Olive oil

Olive oil is the most effective remedy for treating lawn fungus. You need to make a mixture of olive oil and water and then apply it to the affected area.

5. Onion juice

Onion juice is also the most effective herb for treating lawn fungus. You need to make a paste of onion and apply it to the affected area.


These are some of the most effective ways to treat lawn fungus naturally. You don’t need to worry about the side effects of these herbs as they are completely safe for your skin and health.