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How to Plant a Flowers in August in the Summer

If you are going to be planting flowers in August, you should know that this is the perfect time for getting all the new vegetables that are available. This is the best time for starting your garden or flower bed as well. You can even start off your new bedding in the spring and have the vegetables and flowers that you want ready to plant in the fall. You can be sure that if you plan ahead you will have all your bases covered. The following article will give you a few suggestions on what flowers to plant in August.

Many flowers are not going to survive much longer: in the cold weather of late summer and early fall. This is especially true of the vegetables and herbs that are most important to your garden. It is best that you leave these out of your flower bedding in the fall or you could be taking some of them with you when you go to the store to buy them. If you don’t get them planted in the fall, when the first frost strikes, you will most likely not have any at all.

Lilies and Alyssum are two of the most popular flowers to plant in the fall garden: Both of these grow fairly large, but only Alyssum grows very tall. The bright yellow flowers of the Alyssum make it a great accent plant next to other flowers. Another popular choice for the fall garden is the black-eyed Susan. The black-eyed Susan is similar to the lily, but it does not have the glossy leaves that the lily does. The black-eyed Susan also makes a great bedding plant for your vegetable garden as it will grow to be quite large.

Be careful of planting lettuce in the fall as: it has a tendency to do very well when the temperatures start to get a bit colder. However, lilies are an excellent choice for early, warm months, as long as you do not plant it near other more cold tolerant vegetables. Tomatoes and peppers also make great bedding plants for your fall garden. You can also plant onions, garlic and potatoes in late summer along with some carrots and corn.

If you live in an area where late summer: and early fall are not particularly hot seasons, you may be able to successfully grow some of these flowers throughout the season long. One of the best ways to grow these fast-growing flowers is to plant them directly into your garden beds. You can easily do this if you follow the tips in this article. Keep in mind that you want to plant your flowers in partial sun so that they do not dry out too quickly and do not become wilt-like.

In addition to the fast-growing flower like the blanket flower: you will find many other flowers to plant in your fall garden. These flowers include the California poppy, the black-eyed Susan, the blue bells, hollyhocks and the red ruffly. There are even a few flowers that are classified as annuals. However, many flowers only bloom for one season and then need to be replanted every year.

Check out the Planting Service page on the USDA website to learn about the exact times for which your flowers will need replanting.